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As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution sweeps through Australia, making up 8.4% of new car sales, a stark divide is becoming more and more apparent between urban centres and regional areas. This divide is not only in terms of EV adoption but also in the availability of a reliable, accessible charging network. 

With our robust, future-proof technology, we’re ready to work with local regional councils to narrow the gap and help increase EV uptake in regional and rural areas as well as cities. 

The Regional EV Divide

Regional and rural areas of Australia have witnessed slower progress in embracing EVs compared to their urban counterparts. This divide underscores the need for targeted efforts to address the unique challenges faced by regional communities, which often lack the necessary charging infrastructure to support EVs. These challenges arise due to factors such as lower population density, budget limitations, and a historical focus on traditional fuel sources.

Challenges During Peak Seasons

Holiday periods accentuate the scarcity of EV charging stations in regional areas. Local EV owners as well as those travelling through may encounter frequent, frustrating delays in accessing charging points, hindering their overall driving experience. The limitations of local charging options within regional communities stand as a key challenge, impacting the convenience and viability of EV ownership and travel. 

Empowering Regional Communities

To address these challenges, innovative solutions are crucial. Our approach involves the swift and cost-effective deployment of charging infrastructure. The EVX Polecharger can be rolled out quickly and fitted onto already existing utility poles, making installation seamless. Collaborations with entities like Essential Energy and local councils streamline the process even further, ensuring that charging stations are up and running within a matter of hours, not weeks or months.

A Blueprint for Progress

Partnerships with regional councils highlight a promising path forward. By showcasing the feasibility of efficient charging infrastructure deployment, these collaborations set an example for other communities. Improved charging accessibility has the potential to bolster regional growth, tourism, and sustainability.

The disparities between urban and regional EV adoption and charging infrastructure are significant, yet not insurmountable. Through strategic partnerships and innovative deployment methods, the gap can be narrowed, enabling regional Australia to fully embrace the electric vehicle future. 

As we work collectively towards this goal, a greener and more sustainable automotive landscape emerges, benefitting both local communities and the environment.

Please see our solutions page or contact us here if you want to hear more about how we’re working with local councils, governments, and utility providers to increase the EV charging network across Australia.